Manual HTTP Header Manipulation

What is it?

Manual HTTP header manipulation involves manually modifying HTTP headers in requests or responses. This can be done by using tools such as Burp Suite to intercept and modify requests or responses. This type of attack can lead to various security issues such as bypassing security controls, performing cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, HTTP response splitting, and cache poisoning.


Here is a simple example of a manual HTTP header manipulation attack:

             // Original HTTP request
             GET / HTTP/1.1
             User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0
             // Modified HTTP request
             GET /admin HTTP/1.1
             User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0
             Cookie: admin=true

In this example, the attacker modifies the request to access the /admin page and sets the "admin" cookie to "true".


Preventing manual HTTP header manipulation involves proper input validation, sanitization, and setting security-related headers. This includes: