DDoS using GoldenEye

Introduction to Goldeneye

Goldeneye is a powerful denial-of-service attack tool inspired by the Slowloris technique. It's designed to test the performance of web servers under stress by keeping many connections open and slowly sending HTTP traffic. Goldeneye is particularly effective against web servers that have not been optimized or configured to handle prolonged connections.

Understanding DDoS Attacks

DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks aim to render a server or network resource unavailable by overwhelming it with a flood of internet traffic. Tools like Goldeneye achieve this by sending requests at a slow pace, thereby exhausting the server's resources over time rather than with a sudden flood of data.

Setting Up Goldeneye

Before initiating an attack, ensure that Goldeneye is set up correctly:

  1. Goldeneye is a Python-based tool, so ensure you have Python installed on your system.
  2. Clone the Goldeneye repository from GitHub using the following command:
  3. git clone https://github.com/jseidl/GoldenEye.git
  4. Navigate to the Goldeneye directory:
  5. cd GoldenEye

Executing DDoS Attacks with Goldeneye

Using Goldeneye, you can initiate a DDoS attack with the following steps:

  1. Open your terminal in Kali Linux.
  2. Use the following command to start the attack:
  3. ./goldeneye.py [target_URL]
  4. Goldeneye will then start sending malicious requests to the target URL, attempting to exhaust its resources.

Example of Goldeneye Attack

Here's a basic example of how to use Goldeneye to target a web server:

./goldeneye.py http://www.example.com

This command targets "www.example.com" with malicious requests designed to tie up the server's resources.

Defending Against Goldeneye Attacks

While understanding the attack is crucial, it's equally important to know how to defend against it:


Goldeneye is an effective tool for executing DDoS attacks against web servers. By understanding its mechanism and potential impact, security professionals can better defend against such threats. Always ensure you have the necessary permissions and adhere to ethical guidelines when conducting tests. Unauthorized DDoS attacks are illegal and unethical.

For a deeper understanding of Goldeneye and its implications, you can refer to this detailed article by GeeksforGeeks.